Jo-Anne Corbeil Jo-Anne Corbeil

About Jo-Anne


Jo-Anne Corbeil has worked as a counselor, a teacher and a group facilitator exploring the fullness of human experience with people of all ages, cultures and traditions for over 25 years.


In 2000, Jo-Anne founded Espritedu Training of Psychotherapy Associates and was President until 2008. In 1998-99 she was the President of the Board of The Women's Counselling Referral and Education Centre.


Jo-Anne’s expertise in child development led her to establish a research firm in 1990 with her colleague, Sandra Campbell. Their firm, Viva Associates, focused on children's socialization through media. Viva Associates was then contracted by the Ontario Ministry of Education to explore the social/emotional effects of televisual media on children through workshops. This research was applied to the development of bilingual programs, which Jo-Anne delivered to teachers and health professionals throughout Ontario. This initiative was part of a violence prevention curriculum to address the negative effects of media on children's learning.


At an early age, Jo-Anne’s deep curiosity about children led her to Algonquin College where she pursued her abiding interest in child development. Over the years she deepened her studies of early beginnings through exploring body/mind connections. Jo-Anne also studied massage at the Sutherland-Chan School.


Jo-Anne is always deepening her knowledge about new discoveries in body/mind research and diverse, cross-cultural healing practices. On a personal note, her experience as a parent and now a grandparent has been a continued inspiration throughout her life and career.

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